Providing access to clean drinking water

Kwatekeh Africa has installed ten wells in villages and schools near the Suakoko Leprosy Rehab Center. Three of the villages had never had access to clean, safe drinking water. Now hand-dug, cement-lined, pump wells in each town ensure that residents can drink sparkling clean water every day and avoid many of the sicknesses they have lived with for a lifetime! We also maintain/repair three at the leprosy center that we did not install.

Prior drinking water source

Prior drinking water source

New well in Melekie.

Completed hand pump well in David Cooper Village

Completed hand pump well in David Cooper Village

The Kwatekeh Africa Health Resource Center

The Kwatekeh Africa Health Resource Center

Kwatekeh Africa Health Resource Center

Since 2013 Kwatekeh Africa has been providing medicine and basic health care to the community at the Suakoko Leprosy Center. Patients are treated for Malaria, Typhoid, Buruli Ulcers (in the leprosy family), urinary tract and other infections, abdominal worms, Dysentery, snake bites, accidents and more. The Health Center also focuses on child and maternal health, caring for leprosy patients, and offering workshops on health, nutrition, and sanitation topics.